Footbag net world champions
Here is the list of all the Footbag world Champions
Kenny Shults ↑ is the 2nd all time leader in total titles with 18
(8 singles and 10 doubles)
Emmanuel Bouchard is First with 22 titles(12 singles, 7 doubles and 3 mixed doubles)
Randy Mulder is 3rd with 11 titles
(4 singles, 6 doubles and 1 mixed doubles)
Florian Gotze is 4th with 11 titles
(8 doubles, 1 singles and 2 mixed doubles)
Mag Hughes is 5th with 10 titles
(8 doubles 2 singles)
Sebastien Verdy is 6th with 5 titles
( 3 doubles 1 singles & 1 Mixed doubles)
* 1983 Mag Hughes (NHSA) Kenny Shults
(WFA) 2 championships happened that year.
Welcome to The Player's Club
Updated profiles coming soon!!!!
Alexandre Belanger
Andrew Morgan
Benjamin Rochon
Christophe Spooner
Dominic O'Brien
Dominique Soulard
Emanuel Bouchard
Eric Cote
Francois Pelletier
G. Bousquet
Gilles Demers
Andrew Morgan
Benjamin Rochon
Christophe Spooner
Dominic O'Brien
Dominique Soulard
Emanuel Bouchard
Eric Cote
Francois Pelletier
G. Bousquet
Gilles Demers
J.F. Lemieux
J-P Rochefort
Luc Legault
Mario Vaillancourt
Martin Coté
Martin Graton
Maryline Demuy
Maude Landreville
Olivier Tronchon
Patrick Asswad
Phillipe Larose
J-P Rochefort
Luc Legault
Mario Vaillancourt
Martin Coté
Martin Graton
Maryline Demuy
Maude Landreville
Olivier Tronchon
Patrick Asswad
Phillipe Larose
Phillippe Lessard
P-J Daigle
Renaud Fanoni
Robert Lavigne
Russ Arsenault
Samuel Cloutier
Sebastien Duchesne
Sebastien Verdy
Somphon Sayarin
Stephane Comeau
P-J Daigle
Renaud Fanoni
Robert Lavigne
Russ Arsenault
Samuel Cloutier
Sebastien Duchesne
Sebastien Verdy
Somphon Sayarin
Stephane Comeau